花顯台灣押花展 Pressed Flower Show in Taiwan
果籽報導 Apply Daily Interview
Feature story for my exhibition from the best selling chinese newspaper in HK 10/9/2015果籽的精采報導和視頻,多謝Barbara的用心專訪
Kay's Garden Pressed Art Flower Show
慢活、自然 -『藝花園*押花展及押花體驗工作坊』
Flowers of the Month
This bright yellow flowers perfect for delighting a day!
Summer Waterfall
Pressed-flowers art 押花生活
How to make beautiful pressed-flowers 快樂的押花生活 春夏盛開的美女櫻用來押花最適合
Hello, my dear friends!
Thanks of visiting my blog, I would love to share my pressed flowers art with you.